プロが頼る技術力。ジェ ネシスプロジェクト 

We have developed and fostered this technical ability to provide trusted support through our history of achievements over 30 years.

<ジェネシスプロジェクト 代表 田代 芳男 プロフィール>
Profile of Genesis Project Representative - Yoshio Tashiro

Born in Chiba Prefecture.

大手メーカーのカーディーラーでの整備士勤務を経て「RSワタナベ」にてレースマシンのメンテナンス業務に就く。製図から始まる車体 設計等、トータライズされたレースマシンの基礎を習得。そしてFLフォーミュラカー「ファルコン」を設計。
After working as a mechanic for a car dealership of a major manufacturer, he took maintenance work of the "RS Watanabe" racing. After learning the basics of the totalized race machine, including body design, he began to create his own designs and came up with the FL Formula Car "Falcon".

 伝説的な戦歴を残し、日本のレーシングシーンに燦然と輝く足跡を刻んだ「I&Iレーシング」 に参加。名だたるレーサー、名エンジニア、伝説のチューナーとの親交を深める。そしてレースマシン・メンテナンスのスキルアップを果 たし、実戦に即した技術の習得と、戦い抜くためのフィロソフィーを培う。
Participated in the "I and I racing" and held a legendary battle history and made footsteps which shone brilliantly in Japanese racing scene.
Deepened a friendship with a famous racer, named engineer and legendary tuner.
Through this he was able to improve his skills related to race machine maintenance at the same time cultivating a philosophy to master skill which matched the actual warfare and, not only that, but to also fight the battle.

「ホンダ和光研究所」にてフォーミュラマシンのプロジェクトに、エンジニアとして携わる。同 時にレーシングシーンの頂点とも言える場所で、メカニックとして世界を転戦。
Worked as an engineer in a formula machine project at the "Honda Wako Institute". At this time it was a place recognised as being at the top of the racing scene with world class mechanics.

「ジェネシス プロジェクト」を設立
Genesis Project established

Earned F3 champion award

Work focusing on the tuning of the F3 machine undertaken. Overwhelmingly won the trust of many racing teams.

Earned F4 Kanto series champion status.

オートテック BMW グループA チャンピオン獲得
Earned the AutoTec BMW Group A champion status.

Earned the FJ Fuji champion status.